Rage Against Spray

It’s not a rage session, just a love/hate relationship.


Minimum code

in build.sbt

"io.spray" %% "spray-routing" % "1.3.3",
"io.spray" %% "spray-can" % "1.3.3",
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.4.1"  //2.3.3 ?


class YourActor extends HttpService with Actor {
  def actorRefFactory = context
  def receive = runRoute(
        "Go home world!"


object Boot extends App{
  private val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("system")
  /* could be implicit */
  private val actorRef: ActorRef =
  IO(Http)(system) ! Http.Bind(
    interface = "localhost",
    port = 7771)


"io.spray" %% "spray-testkit" % "1.3.3" % "test"

specs2 "org.specs2" %% "specs2-core" % "2.4.17" % "test"

class Spec
    extends org.spec2.Specification
    with Directives {
  "Spec group " >> {
    "Spec" >> {
      Get("/nowhere") ~>
        { _ => complete {"ok"}} ~>
        check {
          response.status.isSuccess must beTrue

scalatest "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.2.6" % "test"

class Spec
    extends FreeSpec
    with Matchers
    with Directives
    with ScalatestRouteTest {
  "Spec Group" - {
    "spec" in {
      Get("/ping") ~>
        complete{"ok"} ~>
            response.status.isSuccess shouldBe (true)

Tested here is the actual testing. You would, usually, test your routes (say they are called someRoutes) by writing ~> someRoutes instead of that complete up there.

To test response content use responseAs (requires Unmarshaller for a given type in the scope):

responseAs[String] === "ok"

Continuous Redeployment

is accomplished with the plugin called sbt-revolver. It will recompile and redeploy on every code change.

addSbtPlugin("io.spray" % "sbt-revolver" % "0.8.0")

fork in run := true

Forking jvm when running spray

also, to forward stdin to a forked process add

connectInput in run := true


complete attempts to transform the result you provided to HttpResponse

pathPrefix filters paths based on their prefix

path attempts to match a complete remaining path

Segment matches any segment

unmatchedPath provides you with the remaining unmatched path to complete with

get post put delete matches with the method

parameter(s) extract query parameters from the path

entity(as[SomeClass]) attempts to unmarshall an incoming request as an instance of SomeClass

getFromBrowseableDirectory complete with given directorty

detach! detaches an execution of your code from neverendnessness…

Simple example

pathPrefix("service") {
  path("entity" / Segment) { id =>
    get {
      complete {
        s"you requested $id"
  } ~
    path("entity") {
      get {
        parameters("id") { mId =>
          complete {
            s"your query id is $id"

Serve index page

} ~ pathPrefix("assets"){


Add an implicit Marshaller/Unmarshaller to the scope

trait Marshallers {
  private val ct = spray.http.ContentTypeRange.*
  protected val jsonSerialization: Serialization
  implicit val msUnmarshaller = Unmarshaller[MessageType](ct) {
    case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(contentType, data) =>



protected def authenticator(
    userPass: Option[UserPass]): Future[Option[String]] =
  Future {
    userPass.flatMap {
      case UserPass("admin", "multipass") => Some("xyz")
      case _ => None

then pass it to the authenticate directive passably like this:

authenticate(BasicAuth(authenticator _, "realm"))


runRoute accepts one implicitly

implicit val divByZeroHandler = ExceptionHandler {
  case _: Throwable =>
    complete(StatusCodes.BadRequest, "Anything could happen!")


Almost the same as Exceptions

implicit val totallyMissingHandler = RejectionHandler {
  case Nil /* secret code for path not found */ =>
        "Oh man, what you are looking for is long gone.")


Cannot support TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA with currently installed providers

doc jce

Scala Perls


type classes

type classes

Apendex A - Spray Client

IO(Http) ! HttpRequest(POST,
      entity = HttpEntity(someJson))

Path can be constructed with Uri.Path

There are also shorthands for Get, Post, Put. Query params are added with the withQuery method on Uri. You may have already noticed this is used in the test example above.

Apendex B - Debugging


When you get

could not find implicit value for parameter um:

but you already have

implicit val yourStupidClassUnmarshaller =
    Unmarshaller[IrrelevantEntity]() {
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(contentType, data) =>

If you have everything in one file make sure that you define an implicit before its usage, even if its in a different trait.

Request was not handled (in spec)

But the path seems fine

try adding the / at start of the path ...

Following is the collection of unknowns, just work around it…

Class not found?

CAUSED BY java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: spray.testkit.RouteTest

When trying to test authorization.

Way out of bounds (jackson)

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: : 59704  (BytecodeReadingParanamer.java:452)
[error]  found   : spray.routing.directives.NameReceptacle[the.Clazz]
[error]  required: spray.routing.directives.ParamDefMagnet
Also to remove margin when pasting multiline string

editor -> Code Style -> multi-line strings -> Add/Insert margin ….

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